Dragana Skoro
This is going to be a tuff one... Monique Hawrelluk, a fellow blogger and SU demo tagged me and now I have to tell you 7 things about myself. So, the rules are:

Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Here we go. The facts (most of them weird, I know)

1. I come from Sarajevo in Former Yugoslavia. I arrived here in 1994.
2. I met my husband in a pub during a karaoke night. I stole his beer. :-) Rest is history.
3. My background is in computers and electrical engineering.
4. I am so very much scared of snakes. Where I come from they are very poisonous and there are many of them.
5. I don't have a driver's license. I don't want one. I love walking and busses do go everywhere (I am lucky to live in urban area, eh?)
6. I never did any paper crafts until last Christmas. I made my Christmas cards last year, looking back it was a not too bad for someone who's never done it before. Then I didn't do anything until May, and now I am in love. No return here.
7. I play piano. Don't have enough time to do it as often as I used to, but I still love it.

Phew! Done. Now, let's see whom to tag...

1. Tegan
2. Brandi
3. Miss Boo
4. Michelle
5. Judy
6. Julie
7. Gina

Off I go to let tagged ones know they've been tagged. I'll have some cards tomorrow. Blog you later.
Dragana Skoro
Carolyn King is an amazingly talented lady with a wonderful big heart. She decided to help Alzheimer’s Society financially, but also decided to recognize people who are caring for those affected by this disease - caregivers! If you decide to join in, please send a card to someone you know who is caring for a person with Alzheimer's, or if you know no one you can send a card to the following address:

To the Staff at the Artman Home
250 N. Bethlehem Pike
Ambler, PA 19002, USA

Carolyn also has an amazing blog candy on her blog - go check it out!

Anyway, I made a card and here it is:

I sure hope it makes someone's day happier, easier and brighter. Please join in!

Blog you later!
Dragana Skoro
Yes, I do. Between this enormous reno, my business, volunteering and kids, I find I don't have enough time. A day should be about 36 hours, and we should be able to function on about two hours sleep. That is the only way I can do everything I challenge myself with. Oh, well, in my next life I will be an octopus. Anyway, I did have time to make a card with my new High Hopes stamps. I just love how quirky their stamps are.

I am not completely satisfied with this card, but no time to play more. Blog you all later.
Dragana Skoro
I have three cards to share with you. A Halloween and two Christmas cards. Don't have time for much more right now... Gotta go. Blog you later!

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